Sunday, August 7, 2011

Best friend lied and stole off me. What to do?

Extremely long story. I was at a party and I smoked weed and started hallucinating and losing it and wrecking the party. One of my good mates (guy who made the party) brought me up the stairs took me into a bedroom (looked after me for a while). There my best friend (of 5 yrs) apparently "stayed" in the room looking after me. Next morning, my $50 note was gone. I asked my best friend if he used it to buy Maccas for everyone, cause I remember people were eating Maccas. He said NO and started accusing my mate (the party starter) for taking the money and witnessed him having a $50 in his wallet and buying ciggies with it. I asked him if he drove my car to drop people off (he is on his L's and was drinking), he said NO. Found out my fuel was half gone and crums around the car. Next day one of my other mates admitted to using my car to drop people off and apologized sincerley. However my best friend still denied driving my car. Couple days later, we were chilling in my friends car (guy who made the party) and I asked him if he knew who stole my money. He said he knew and that it was a friend that stole my money and that he would never tell me because it will make things worse. My best friend who happened to be in the car, started to buckle and choke and started accusing my mate why he was getting the blame and that he was a dog c*nt for accusing him etc (in short it looked like he knew he did it and couldn't handle the pressure so he lashed out). I also found out from my mate (and several others) that my best friend took my car out for 3 Maccas runs, had a joy ride (with alcohol in his system) and LET a drunk 14 yr old with no license drive it (I was also told that the 14 yr old nearly crashed my car 4 times). My mate (party starter) also said things which were true - my best friend didnt bring money to the party, he witnessed my bestie holding a lot of cash (change from the $50 possibly?) and that he pretty much shouted everyone Maccas (my best friend is on the dole, lives on housing commission and suffers financially, he never shouts anything). I confronted my best friend after this argument calmly and with no swearing or voice raising, he responded by swearing and telling me off and how he looked after me all night and would never do such thing and that the money used for Maccas was from people chipping in. I also asked other party goers that night and one said that my best friend would do no such thing and that he chipped in small change for Maccas. However I talked with my mate (the party starter) and he was 100% certain he took the money and that 'looking after you all night' doesn't mean sh*t. What do I do in this situation? Obviously our trio is broken up. I do not like to take sides either. My best friend (or ex bestie) is very hostile and refuses to talk. Please help me resolve this.

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