Monday, August 8, 2011

What can I do about my dad?

I live in Ireland in case anyone is wondering. Is there anything I'm legally entitled to do? All of my life I was abused in some way by him... When I was 5 I found it hard to spell or read, and he helped me by beating me and making me sit in a corner for hours with a book. There was a field behind my old house that if I ever played in, I would get hit with his belt. Over the years, the beatings have stopped, but I still get a lot of abuse and mis-treatment. I'm now 19 and basically treated like a slave in the house. He tells me to do really stupid things and if I don't do them or do them wrong, I get yelled at, called names and threatened. The latest episode was earlier today when he asked me to research something on the internet. I couldn't find it and he said send an E-mail to the manufacturer of the product. I composed an E-mail but he didn't like the sound of it and I began arguing with him that it was done properly. He then told me to shut my mouth or he would smash my face in. He is trying to control every aspect of my life. He dis-approves of my girlfriend and basically said we were going to break up and I shouldn't get too attached to her. We've been going out for a year now and still going strong, but that doesn't make a difference to him. I want to move out of my house at least, but I can't find a job, and I want to put myself through college in September. Last summer, I was on the Dole and he was taking half of it every week. I didn't mind that, but he also made me work with him and refused to pay me one cent. I tried to say I would take the whole Dole money as payment, and he threatened to throw me out of the house. What I want to know, is there any compensation I'm entitled to? I'm afraid to do anything unless it's sure that I would be free of him, because otherwise it'd just get worse... If I was living on my own, is there any source of money that I could claim that would be enough to put me through college and keep me basically alive?

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