Monday, August 8, 2011

Why is the dole given to people who do absolutely nothing but sit on their ***?

Okay theres my friend he does absolutely nothing with his life hes 19 years old and he just sits around the house smoking weed and centrelink still pays him his 400 dollers a week, which he is supposed to be looking for a job and he wont he literally says I CANT BE ****** , then theres me I have to study full time at community college and I went and tried to apply for the dole so i can get assistance for rent, cause I cant work fulltime and study fulltime at the same time otherwise I will fail, and they basically told me to go away because I was apparantly capable of working fulltime which is ridiculous cause how can i balance a fulltime job(40 hours a week) so i can pay for rent,bills with full time study 7 hours a day and 5 days a week including nighttime studying and exams, but my friend who does not study whatsoever or even do anything he still gets money just simply handed to him for doing absolutely ******* it pisses me off sooo much, is this unfair??

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